Friday, May 22, 2009

Marie Burton?

Hello, folks! Don't know if Marie Burton follows this blog, or if any of you folks know her, but she won a copy of THE LEGACY over at Unusual Historicals that she hasn't yet claimed. So, if you know her, tell her she needs to scurry over there to claim her prize. Tell her to send the blog owner, Carrie Lofty, a shout out and Carrie will send her name to Medallion Press, who will forward her the book.

Take care,

1 comment:

Gaby317 said...

I know that we do tend to like bad boys and that guys act weird with their friends around - but being too much of an asshole to the girl when his friends are there does ANNOY me! I'm not sure that he's the sort of bad boy that I want.

I like them honorable but misunderstood...

gaby317nyc AT gmail DOT com